středa 1. dubna 2020

Midwifery care not only during Covid 19

One to One care

 Pregnancy counseling, Childbirth care, Postpartum visits, Breastfeeding care

Helping community midwives not only during the emergency
All in one person!

Midwives who work in a community environment and have good experience in providing individual care to healthy pregnant and birthing women in their own social environment can greatly help support and protect the health of pregnant and birthing women in a state of emergency declared a few days ago. women, their children and their families!
To realize this work potential of midwives it is sufficient to:

Find the midwife
The midwife will prepare you for the birth individually. From the 36th week of pregnancy, she will provide you with a pregnancy clinic (pressure measurement, urine orientation test, weight retention control, external examination, listening to echoes) and answer your possible questions about the end of pregnancy, delivery and postpartum time. Care can be provided in your social (home) environment. This will avoid long waiting times in counseling centers and, in accordance with the government's recommendations, will limit contact with many other people.
Stay in the hospital as short as you can 
You can call your midwife at a time when the birth will start. He can examine you at home, check the fetal echoes, find out how the birth is going, and advise when to go to the maternity hospital so that the wicket is open for at least 5-7 cm, and you don't have to stay in the maternity hospital for too long. If the birth has been without complications, you can go back to your social environment (usually home) after a few hours. At home a partner or other family members will help you. Your child's health will be checked by your midwife and your baby's health. It is also advisable to contact the pediatrician in advance. In this way, minimize the time spent in the maternity hospital, where a large number of health care professionals and other health care workers alternate (ambulances, cleaners, etc.)
Make sure you have someone to take care of you at home - to cook, to wash, to do at least the usual cleaning
The woman should be calm after giving birth. Be sure not to refuse the help of loved ones. Just warn them that they should be really healthy. Especially nowadays. You should refuse visits that only want to see your baby and hear your birth story.

The midwife can take care of a healthy pregnant and childbearing woman individually during pregnancy, during childbirth and in the postpartum period, both in the maternity hospital and in the woman's own social environment.

Simultaneous compliance with government recommended measures may reduce the likelihood of transmission of any disease, including COVID 19.

After giving birth midwife:
Treats birth wounds (if the woman gave birth at home) or controls its healing if the woman gave birth in the maternity ward. Advice on how to treat birth wounds to heal well.
Checks the uterus's wrap.
It can control the baby's weight and its well-being.
They will advise you on breastfeeding.
Address your health insurance company and ask for an extraordinary contribution in a state of emergency. If you are insured by OZP, you can use Vitakarta and bonus points as a contribution to midwife care.
Healthy, natural childbirth with a limited number of strangers and an individual approach brings the lowest possible risk of childbirth to a woman and her child!

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