sobota 5. května 2018

5.5. Mezinárodní den porodní asistentek

 Všechno nejlepší k našemu svátku přeji porodním asistentkám na celém světě!!!

Congratulations to  this day to midwives all over the world !!!

We are midwives

We are holding to the promise
That we made within our hearts
To the timeless eyes of Woman
And gift that she imparts

Our faith in the magic is strong
And our story is endlessly long
Fully present, we are moving
Feeling changes as they come
We are witness to the Power
The unfolding of the One

Our faith in each other is strong
And our story is endlessly long
..We are Midwives
Every woman is entitled
Be she yelow, red or brown
To carve out her own destiny
We will not let her down

Our faith in the process is strong
And our story is endlessly long

Poem:1981: Paula Deva Paula Deva
We´re in every single country
Scattered wide across the earth
We are quiet, peaceful warriors
We´re the guardians of Birth

Our faith in the magic is strong
And our story is endlessly long

Poem:1981: Paula Deva Paula Deva
..We are Midwives
Poem:1981: Paula Deva Paula Deva
Paula Deva

Žádné komentáře:

Valentýn po Česku  Sex  je  pocit primárního mozku  skin to skin ??? Evoluce bytí lidské bytosti ? Co  to  teda vlastně všichni hledáme?  Př...