pondělí 12. května 2014

Podpora kolegyń z Indie ke kongresu ICM Prague 2014

Dear Friends,

Greetings from Society of Midwives,India(SOMI)

The proportion of childbirths taking place in institutions has been steadily rising over the last decade in India due to government efforts and increasing public awareness.  However, the facilities have not been improving at the same rate. SOMI's advocacy initiated by Dr.Prakasamma, Founder SOMI & ANSWERS aims  to improve the Labour Rooms in all government health facilities so that every birth takes place in a safe environment, in skilled hands and in a sensitive manner.

Please find attached the message for Safe, Skilled and Sensitive child birth that could be used for advocacy  in your countries.

P.S: ANSWERS is an acronym for Academy for Nursing Studies and Women’s Empowerment Research Studies

Best Regards
Raji Nair

Society of Midwives,India
#215,Amruthaville Apts,
Raj Bhavan Rd, 
Hyderabad- 500082
ph: 91-40-23411924

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